Your Trusted Source for
Advanced Field Instruments
in Southern Africa

Your Trusted Source for Advanced Field Instruments in Southern Africa

Product Categories

Water Cut Meter
Thermometer Readouts & Probes
Temperature Switches
Temperature Gauges
Temperature Calibrators & Furnaces
Pressure Test & Calibration Pumps
Pressure Switch
Pressure Gauges
Pressure Calibrators & Controllers
Portable Gas Detector
Point Level Switch
Particle Counter
Mulitfunction Process Calibrators
Intelligent Digital Pressure Modules
Flow Meters
Fixed Gas Detector
Digital Pressure Gauges
Diaphragm Seal
Data Aquisition
Controller Panel
Continuous Level Transmitter

Who We Are

Pinnacle Instruments focuses on providing field instrumentation solutions that are engineered to provide reliable and sustainable long-term measurement and control of our customer’s manufacturing processes.

We have achieved this by selecting to only partner with manufacturers that are world leaders in their particular area of process measurement and control. The resultant process solutions that are engineered in collaboration with our partners therefore offer equipment that has a proven track record, is specially selected and guaranteed to be the correct solution for the application resulting in a long-term return on investment and low cost of ownership for our clients.

Why Choose Us

We build
relationship and
deliver results

Our customers
come first

We understand how to apply our products to your applications

Your satisfaction is guaranteed

Our Customers

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Yvette Ross


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AN Other

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